
Lake Township government is composed of three Trustees and one Fiscal Officer. The Trustees are elected by Township residents to a term of four years.

The Lake Township Trustees are legislative and administrative authority for the Township. This authority is multi-faceted and carries with it governmental decisions responsible for the health, safety and welfare of each and every Township resident. Township Trustees duties and functions include: oversight and administration of Township roads, police protection, fire, and EMS, parks, zoning, and the cemetery.

The Ohio Revised Code also allows the Trustees to purchase land and materials for use as Parks, Cemetery, Fire, Police, EMS and Road facilities. Township Trustees are permitted to enter into a contract with a cable television company to provide cable television to the unincorporated areas of the Township. The Township currently has a contract with Time Warner for cable service in the unincorporated areas of the Township. Township Trustees are permitted to accept donations of land suitable for the growth of timber which once accepted, become Township forests. Township Trustees may negotiate the provider of cost savings gas and electric aggregations which benefit Township residents. The Trustees may also establish or contract the building of a senior center.

Lake Township Trustees meet the First and Third Tuesday of every month. Meetings start at 5:30 p.m.

Melanie Bowen-Greenwald

Richard Welling

Lorie Davis

Information Center – Trustee

Public Records Policy

Resolution # 01-24